Ruprecht Karls Universität Heidelberg


Applications from strong candidates at all levels are always welcome! Get in touch to discuss how you think you could fit in.

We currently seek motivated candidates to fill PhD positions via the current application round to IMPRS-PTFS (last application deadline: June 16, 2024).

PhD projects are hosted through the Heidelberg Graduate School for Physics, and the Max Planck Research School for Precision Tests of Fundamental Symmetries.

We also regularly host Bachelor and Master projects from both Heidelberg and other instutions.

Open positions

See project descriptions on the IMPRS-PTFS page.

Filled positions

Post-doctoral fellow for quantum sensing with neutrons, in collaboration with TUM/FRM2 (application deadline January 17, 2024).

PhD Position for Spin-Selective Neutron Detection using Quantum Sensing

A technically-oriented engineering project: Master thesis for a cryogenic test system