University of Heidelberg
Bild Institut
Physikalisches Institut
Im Neuenheimer Feld 226
69120 Heidelberg

Tel: +49 6221-54 19600
Fax: +49 6221-54 19540
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Physikalisches Institut Heidelberg

The Institute

The Physikalisches Institute has a long tradition in the experimental investigation of the structure of matter and the fundamental forces.

Currently the institute hosts four experimental groups working on Low and High Energy Particle Physics, Complex Quantum Systems and Heavy Ion Physics. They address fundamental questions testing the Standard Model of Elementary Particle Physics and beyond. The search for New Physics focuses on the matter and anti-matter asymmetry in our universe, the behavior of matter after the big bang, quantum effects of many body systems and gravitation at small scales.

The next talk at the institute

"? SPECT- towards a new measurement of the free neutron lifetime in a full-3D magnetic trap"

Prof. Dr. Martin Fertl 
(Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz)
Tuesday, 21.01.2025 at 17:00 o'clock s.t.
INF 226, Goldbox, EG
Particle Colloquium

Talks during this week:

  • 14.01.25: A decade of atmospheric neutrino oscillations measurements with IceCube - (Prof. Dr. Juan Pablo Yáñez)
    17:00 Uhr s.t., INF 226, Goldbox, EG
    Particle Colloquium

  • 14.01.25: Excitations in One-Dimensional Supersolids - (Lily Platt)
    Special CQD Colloquium
    11:00 - 13:00 Uhr, Physikalisches Institut, INF 226, K 1-3
    Colloquium for Atom-, Molecul- and Quantumphysics

IT Department