Ruprecht Karls Universität Heidelberg

Statistical Methods in Particle Physics WS 2013/2014

N. Berger (lectures)
Oleg Brandt (exercises)

Lectures every Monday 16:15 - 18:00, starting October 14th at INF 227 (KIP) / SR 2.404

Exercises every Monday 18:00 - 19:00, starting October 14th at CIP Pool, KIP / 1.401
Please sign up at the electronic tutorial administration


14.10.2013 Lecture 1 Probability Theory
21.10.2013 Lecture 2 Probability Density Functions
28.10.2013 Lecture 3 PDFs (cont.), Error Propagation, Numbers on Computers
4.11.2013 Lecture 4 Monte Carlo Methods
11.11.2013 Lecture 5 Estimators
18.11.2013 Lecture 6 Maximum Likelihood Method
25.11.2013 Lecture 7 Minimizing
2.12.2013 Lecture 8 Chi-squared estimators
9.12.2013 Lecture 9 Statistical tests, systematic uncertainties, confidence intervals
16.12.2013 Lecture 10 Confidence intervals, limits, Feldman-Cousins, CLs
13.1.2014 Lecture 11 Multivariate methods
20.1.2014 Lecture 12 Object Oriented Programming


The exercises will be held on the CIP pool computers and involve writing scripts and programs in C++ using the root data analysis framework, putting to work the concepts teached in the lecture. For help and documentation with the tools, see here.
14.10.2013 Root tutorial (Exercise 0)
Exercise 1
Introduction to the root framework, histograms
21.10.2013 Exercise 2 Pseudo random number generation
28.10.2013 Exercise 3 Monte Carlo integration and generating distributions
4.11.2013 Exercise 4 Central limit theorem, generating a muon beam
11.11.2013 Exercise 5 Simulating a tracking detector
18.11.2013 Exercise 6 Measuring the top quark mass with ML
25.11.2013 Exercise 7
Template code
Simulating a PMT
2.12.2013 Exercise 8
Goodness of fit tests
9.12.2013 Exercise 9
Fits with systematics and correlations
16.12.2013 Exercise 10
Confidence limits and the CL_s method
13.1.2014 Exercise 11
Trees and Fishers
20.1.2014 Exercise 12
EDV Abteilung