University of Heidelberg
Bild Institut
Physikalisches Institut
Im Neuenheimer Feld 226
69120 Heidelberg

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Particle Colloquium

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Next Talk:

" "Heavy Quarks and the Higgs: Unraveling the Top Quark’s Best Friends""

Dr. Nedaa-Alexandra Asbah 
(CERN/ Genf)
Tuesday, 29.10.2024 at 17:00 o'clock s.t.
INF 226, EG, Goldbox
Particle Colloquium

Particle Colloquium in Agenda
(with Particle- & Astrophysics Colloquium)


 Tuesday, 16.10.2007 at 17:15 o'clock
Physikalisches Institut, Kleiner Hoersaal
Particle Colloquium

"Results from Fast (a new moun lifetime measurement)"

Dr. Chiara Casella (Universität Genf)
Tuesday, 23.10.2007 at 17:15 o'clock
Physikalisches Institut, Kleiner Hoersaal
Particle Colloquium

"Resurrection from the Graveyard of Gravity: Renaissance of MOND as Dark Energy"

Prof. HongSheng Zhao (University of St. Andrews, Scotland)
Tuesday, 30.10.2007 at 17:15 o'clock
Physikalisches Institut, Grosser Hoersaal
Particle & Astrophysics Colloquium

"The LHC Accelerator"

Dr. Helmut Burkhardt (CERN)
Tuesday, 06.11.2007 at 17:15 o'clock
Physikalisches Institut, Kleiner Hoersaal
Particle Colloquium

"Precision tests in the flavor sector and the search for new physics"

Prof. Dr. Matthias Neubert (Johannes Gutenberg - Universität, Mainz)
Tuesday, 13.11.2007 at 17:15 o'clock
Physikalisches Institut, Kleiner Hoersaal
Particle Colloquium


 Tuesday, 20.11.2007 at 17:15 o'clock
Physikalisches Institut, Kleiner Hoersaal
Particle Colloquium

"Atomic Parity Violation in Hydrogen - history and perspective"

Dr. Maarten DeKieviet (Physikalisches Institut, Heidelberg)
Tuesday, 27.11.2007 at 17:15 o'clock
Physikalisches Institut, Kleiner Hoersaal
Particle Colloquium

"ALICE - Status, Startup Preparation and 1st Physics"

Dr. J. Schukraft (CERN)
Tuesday, 04.12.2007 at 17:15 o'clock
Physikalisches Institut, Kleiner Hoersaal
Particle Colloquium

"KEKB upgrade and its physics program"

Masa Yamauchi (KEK/Belle)
Monday, 10.12.2007 at 17:15 o'clock
Achtung, geänderter Wochentag !
Physikalisches Institut, Kleiner Hoersaal
Particle Colloquium

"The History and Future of Cosmology"

Prof. Malcolm Longair (University of Cambridge)
Tuesday, 18.12.2007 at 17:15 o'clock
Physikalisches Institut, Grosser Hoersaal
Particle & Astrophysics Colloquium

"Strangeness physics at MAMI-C with the KAOS spectrometer"

Prof. Josef Pochodzalla (Institut für Kernphysik, Universität Mainz)
Tuesday, 08.01.2008 at 17:15 o'clock
Physikalisches Institut, Kleiner Hoersaal
Particle Colloquium

"Radiation-Hard Silicon for SLHC Trackers"

Dr. Ulrich Parzefall (Universität Freiburg)
Tuesday, 15.01.2008 at 17:15 o'clock
Physikalisches Institut, Kleiner Hoersaal
Particle Colloquium

"Constraints from Today´s Precision Data on SUSY searches at the Tevatron, the LHC and the ILC"

Sven Heinemeyer (CERN)
Tuesday, 22.01.2008 at 17:15 o'clock
Physikalisches Institut, Kleiner Hoersaal
Particle Colloquium

"ATLAS - Status, Startup, Preparation and 1st Physics"

Dr. Thorsten Wengler (CERN)
Tuesday, 29.01.2008 at 17:15 o'clock
Physikalisches Institut, Kleiner Hoersaal
Particle Colloquium

"Theory and phenomenology of hard exclusive hadronic processes "

Dr. Dieter Müller (Institut für Theoretische Physik II, Ruhr-Universität Bochum)
Tuesday, 05.02.2008 at 17:15 o'clock
Physikalisches Institut, Kleiner Hoersaal
Particle Colloquium

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