University of Heidelberg
PI > Jobs


Bachelor Thesis

Muon Physics at PSI

The Paul Scherrer Institute (PSI, Switzerland) operates the highest intensity proton accelerator (HIPA) in the world. This facility also provides high intensity muons beams where the muons are produced in pion decays. An upgrade of the accelerator is planned for 2026 with the goal to increase the muon beam intensity by almost two orders of magnitude, thus providing 10^10 muons per second. This upgrade will dramatically increase the discvery potential for rare physics processes like mu->eee (Mu3e Phase II) and mu-> e gamma which are also called the "golden" muon decay channels. Simulation and design studies need to be performed to reduce background and optimise the sensitivity.  

Contact: André Schöning

Published on: 2019-11-26
IT Department