Introduction to Experimental Particle Physics


Summer semester 2001

Mo 11:15 - 13:00 "Kleiner HS"
Fr 11:15 - 13:00 "Großer HS"

Lecturer: Ulrich Uwer

The lecture introduces to experimental particle physics.
It is meant for students whose interest in the "fundamental
building blocks of matter and their interactions" was triggerd
during the course lecture "Physik 5". Starting from a few basic theoretical
concepts, the interactions of particles  and the experimental
determination of the properties are presented. The lecture introduces
today's "Standard Model of Particle Physics" and summarizes the
experimental tests of the model. With the treatment of today's open
questions (e.g. mass generation, quark mixing, CP violation, neutrino
masses) the lecture reaches the state of research of experimental
particle physics.

Outline (Preliminary):

       Fundmental  concepts
       Decay rates , cross sections and Feynamn rules
       Electromagnetic interactions (QED) of pointlike particles
       Electromagnetic interactions of extended objects (Inealstic scattering)
       Weak interactions (charge and neutral currents)
       Standard model of electroweak interaction  ( W,Z Bosons, Higgs-Mechanism)
       Quark transitions (flavour mixing and CP violation)
       QCD  (Quark and gluons,  e+e- annihilation to hadrons, deep-inelastic scattering)
       Beyond the Standard Modell (Super-symmetry, GUTs)


        D.H.Perkins: Introduction to High Energy Physics, Cambridge University Press.
        D.Griffith: Introduction to Elementary Particles, John Wiley.
        F.Halzen, A.Martin: Quarks and Leptons, John Wiley.
        P.Renton: Introduction to the Physics of Quarks and Leptons,  Cambridge University Press.
        E.Leader und E.Predazzi: An Introduction to Gauge Theories and Modern Particle Physics, Band 1+2, Cambridge Mongraphs.