Topics in Accelerator Physics
Seminar for Master Students (MVSEM)

Date and Place
Wednesday 17:00-19:00h   Im Neuenheimer Feld, room to be announced

Prof. A. Schöning, Physikalisches Institut
Tel. 06221/5419401, eMail:

The seminar addresses modern topics in accelerator physics for students with basic knowledge in Accelerator Physics (requirement: Lecture Accelerator Physics). Topics proposed for the seminar are:

- Electron Beam Cooling
- Statistical Beam Cooling
- The International Linear Collider Project
- Free Electron Laser (the SASE principal)
- The LHC Dipole Magnet
- Plasma Wake Field Acceleration
- positron sources
- ...

The language of the presentation is English (or German)

  • First Date: 27.4.2016 Location: SR 2.403 (INF 227) Time 17h00
  • Topics and Dates should be preferably fixed before the start of the summer semester.
    Please choose a topic from the list above or propose a topic by yourself!

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